7 Hobbies You Can Turn into Your Job

Hobbies You Can Turn into Your Job
Worthy Staff

By Worthy Staff | Jun 12th, 2019

Imagine waking up every morning knowing that after coffee, you’ll dive in for hours into that activity that makes you feel fulfilled and accomplished. In a world where personal finance often prevails over dreams and wishes, it might sound like a fantasy to build your career based on your hobby. But the truth is, many hobbies actually pay off.

Whether you are recently divorced, about to retire, or you simply want to give a new start to your professional career, there are many ways to turn your hobby into your main income source and truly enjoy your daily routine.

Here are 7 hobbies that you can turn into your job:

1. Photography

In the age of the “selfie”, good quality photographs are more valuable than ever. If photography is a passion you love dedicating hours to, it’s time to consider taking your hobby to the pro level. Sell your photos online through stock-selling websites. Take pictures at events like weddings, bar mitzvahs, graduations and inaugurations. Pick a niche and build your own specialized photography business, like pregnancy pics or pet portraits. Start offering your services to your acquaintances for a reduced price, print a bunch of business cards to carry always with you, and network a lot.

2. Jewelry Design

turning jewelry design hobby into job

For a woman who dedicates most of her spare time to creating jewelry or bijouterie, only a few things are more rewarding than seeing her friends and relatives wear her designs. But what if you could start your own brand of jewelry and get a monetary reward for your creative work? Nowadays, you can achieve this without even opening a store: you can sell your products online in websites like Etsy and promote your business on social media with a small investment. You can also consider leaving consignment jewelry in local stores. If you enjoy interacting with other people, teaching is also a great alternative.

3. Stand up comedy

Are you the Sarah Silverman of your group of friends? Do you make up your own jokes and write comedy stories in your free time? Maybe you’ve even fantasized about taking standup comedy lessons. Show your talent to the world -starting with your local club’s audience- and make some extra income out of it! Stand up comedy is as popular as it was 20 years ago (laughter is never out of fashion!). So overcome your scenic fears and kick off your comedian career. Sure, it will take time, and you might not see the monetary results in a short term, but you might end up building a career that truly fulfills you – and allows you to have fun 24/7.

4. Yoga

turn yoga hobby into job

Is yoga your anchor to the earth? Your mind escape? Your catalyzer of good energy? Well, it can also become your main income source. If you’ve been practicing it for many years, by simply taking a 200-hour course you can become a yoga instructor in a matter of weeks. Job offers are not limited to yoga institutes or fitness centers, but you can also give private lessons. And even many workplaces hire yoga instructors to provide a complimentary service for their employees. Click here to search for yoga instructor courses in your city or abroad.

5. Web design

If you have an eye for design and are looking to start a new career path, web design is the way to go. If you create your own graphic designs just for fun and love playing with templates you’ve downloaded online, it’s time to take your passion one step forward. Web design is actually a very well paying job. And although most web designers learn their skills at college, if you have the talent and work hard, you can become a web designer by taking some courses — even online — and practicing a lot. Start by doing work for free, like redesigning your friend’s local shop old website. That will allow you to build your portfolio and gain a lot of experience.

6. Cooking

turn cooking hobby into job

Is there always a freshly baked cake on your kitchen counter? Are you always in the quest for a new, challenging recipe to try? Maybe it’s time to take this cooking hobby more seriously. If you want to start over your career, your baking and cooking skills can be very profitable. You can start your own small local catering business and promote it on social media (hello food porn!). Start by catering your niece’s birthday party for a discount price. Give a unique trademark to your products and choose a specific type of food, like healthy snacks for offices or holiday-themed dishes. Check the local regulations about food selling and be ready to expand out of your kitchen!

7. Writing

If you love writing, you’re lucky to have been born in the era of content marketing. Earning a living from your writing doesn’t depend anymore on finding an editor for the novel you’ve been secretly working on for years. If you don’t have a blog yet, start one in WordPress and get your words out there. Spend a good weekly amount of hours on updating your blog and seek out for advertising opportunities. You’ll also be able to work as a freelance content writer and earn good dollars for your work. One key to success is to be specialized in a certain field, so that’s a good way to apply the knowledge you’ve gathered in your previous profession. For example, if up until now you’ve worked as a business manager, you can become a writer specialized in business. Let your words turn into numbers in your bank account!

Getting Started

Some hobbies are expensive and at times you can’t afford to invest a few thousand dollars in a new reflex camera or a yoga instructor course. But maybe the solution is right at your fingertips — in your jewelry box.

Here at Worthy, we help you give a new life to your old, unworn diamond jewelry. We believe that your jewelry serves a better purpose when you’re able to truly enjoy its value rather than having it gathering dust in a drawer. Among other things, selling your unworn jewelry that lost its emotional value can help you pay for your new career choices.

Worthy Staff

Worthy Staff

The Worthy Blog is a place for inspiration, insight, and advice for all things surrounding life's greatest transitions - divorce, losing a loved one, retirement, and so much more. You can find us on our blog, Instagram, and Facebook.


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