Redefining Divorce: Saying “Yes” to Yourself with Dawn Burnett

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Worthy Staff

By Worthy Staff | Mar 26th, 2019

In this week’s episode, Jennifer talks about creating your own destiny after divorce with author, expert, and wellness coach, Dawn Burnett. Dawn takes us through her own journey, through two marriages, abusive relationships, her personal down spiral into debt and more. In her struggles, a pattern emerged. The recognition of this pattern was the first step towards breaking it, and that is exactly what Dawn lays out for us on this episode.

Dawn Burnett, CSA is an honors graduate of Alternative Medicine and a Divorce Thriver. She provides Transformational Divorce and Wellness Strategies to those that are frustrated with their life and current health situations and are ready to embrace alternative solutions. Dawn is a regular fixture on the high-profile airways of national television, she takes the “dirty” out of divorce and believes we can all access a healthier, more balanced life by using natural approaches for boosting our energy, purifying our eating regimes, and recalibrating the connection between mind and body. In doing so we can unlock fears, push past barriers and live the life we’ve been dreaming of.

On This Week’s Episode

You can purchase Dawn’s books on Amazon.

Learn more about Dawn on her website or by visiting her Facebook Page.

Episode Transcription

Jennifer Butler: Welcome to Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, a branded podcast by Worthy. I’m Jennifer Butler, and I’m your host.

The choices you make either feed your destiny or your history. This is a quote from Dawn Burnett, our guest today, that stands out from my brief conversation when preparing for this episode. We had about 15 minutes to talk, and I have to tell you, those 15 minutes were filled with one golden nugget of wisdom after the other. My pen couldn’t move fast enough as I tried to capture her brilliance.

Today’s episode is about getting out of your own way so that you can create your own destiny, and it all comes down to the choices you make and the actions you take. Dawn Burnett is a highly sought-after transformational divorce coach and wellness expert who helps women to thrive instead of survive. Through natural approaches for boosting energy, purifying our eating regimens, and recalibrating the connection between mind and body, she says you can in fact create the life of your own choosing from the inside out. Dawn is also the author of her recent book Connect: How to Love and Accept Yourself After Divorce, and so she is really the perfect person to talk to all of us here listening about how you can specifically get out of your own way and create a destiny in which you are thriving.

I am so excited to have this conversation with her and share it with all of you. We’re going to take a quick break, and then we will be back with Dawn Burnett.

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Dawn Burnett is Founder of A New Dawn Natural Solutions, a transformational divorce coach and wellness expert for women through every life chance, and the host of the radio show Wake Up and Listen. She provides thriving divorce advice and wellness strategies to those who are frustrated with their current health situations and are ready to embrace alternative healing solutions. Healing their bodies and their lives from the inside out. She has an impressive roster of television and speaking appearances, including ABC, Fox, TBN, and WKGB, and is a regular contributor to Thrive Global and Huffington Post.

Dawn is the author of True Confessions of the Heart, Connect, How to Know if He’s Really Your Man, and Connect: How to Love and Accept Yourself After Divorce, and is the co-author of Jack Canfield’s The Road to Success, Volume 2. She’s a songwriter, actress, speaker, radio host, inventor, and I am beyond honored to have you here, Dawn. Welcome to the podcast. Truly an honor.

Dawn Burnett: Thank you. It’s an honor to be a part of it.

Jennifer Butler: You are so inspiring, and we had some time to talk before the podcast just to prepare and to get to know each other. I truly … I was like writing as fast as I could and just trying to eat up all of your wisdom. I am really excited that you are here and going to share your story and your wisdom with our listeners here at Worthy.

Dawn Burnett: Thank you. I’m excited to share. If I can bring healing to just one person around the world, it’s definitely worth my time.

Jennifer Butler: I love that, so beautiful. I was gonna start with you really just sharing your story with us, because it’s a profound example of what we’re talking about today, which is helping our listeners learn how they can get out of their own way and create their own destiny. Your story is a true example of that.

Dawn Burnett: Thank you. Yes, so I always like to start from the area of childhood, because our childhood really helps to shape and mold what we do later on in our adulthood, especially if we haven’t dealt with some of the toxicity that was handed to us and we don’t deal and heal. The same goes in moving forward in life. I’m from a broken home. My parents are divorced. It was a very toxic environment. A lot of physical and verbal abuse in the household, and because of the disconnect, I grew up with a family member, not parents or anything, but a family member deciding to use me as an experiment and sexually abusing me. That I internalized and could not find my voice. I’m from a very small town, so to speak out would almost be like putting the scarlet letter on my chest.

I took that like most people do into their own adult life, and although I had married my childhood sweetheart on the first one, I did exactly that. I used him as an escape hatch to get out of my house. It’s not that I didn’t love him, we were more like brothers and sister than that true, beautiful romantic relationship that you hear that at least initially starts in the beginning with a lot of couples. Once I got out of that, I jumped from one relationship to another, which is an important point to make ’cause so many of us do. We’re trying to fill the void, but later on in doing all of the work and healing myself and getting my honors degree in alternative medicine, racing back to college to get my degree to save own miracle boy’s life, I came to the realization that the only way we can truly fill that void is by going within ourselves and finding true love.

When I jumped from one relationship to the other, I was looking for my ex to fill a void that I couldn’t even express of what it was, but because I was in a state of toxicity and hadn’t dealt or the knowledge to even deal with what had gone on and I had also in the process been slipped a drug and date raped along the way before marrying my second husband, not by him but just by some stranger, again, more toxicity and internalizing. I’m trying to show a pattern here because we have a tendency to attract a reflection of where we are at, and that is exactly what I did.

I married a toxic man who had a lot of disconnects with inside himself. It’s like looking in the mirror, and therefore because he was disconnected, you can never give away what you don’t first have for yourself, and that was true love. He didn’t have that internal love in a non-egotistical, beautiful way for himself, so how could I ever have expected him to give me what he didn’t already have himself? That of course just spawned into a whole lot of abuse and turmoil over 15 and a half years, where I panicked, went into brief hiding, fled the relationship. My two kids, dog, moved 1750 miles away. Didn’t have a job. Knew nobody. Went through a near-death experience with a hit-and-run drunk driver right after I moved there. There was adversities over adversity.

For the first 40 years of my life, I could have chosen to remain a victim of my story, but having gone through college and studying mind-body therapy connection, I knew the only way for me to progress in life and be well was to work first on my mind, my body, and my spirit all collectively together as one. I started creating a lot of happy new memories to replace that old toxic, broken record that kept going around and around. Bit by bit, sure there were challenges and stigma of being single … Like it’s a disease or people looking at you as you’re irresponsible because you’re a single mom. Those of us that have walked in those shoes know exactly what I’m speaking about, so it creates this big shame cycle.

I had the choice to break free of that old victim story, rise from the ashes, through a collective healing modality of connecting within mind/body/spirit and a deep, loving, non-egotistical level. By doing so, I shifted gears and have over the last 10 years catapulted from surviving into thriving.

Jennifer Butler: Your story is so inspiring and I have so many questions as you speak and just so much that gets inspired within me because I know that so many women face adversity. They have a rocky start to childhood. They carry that forward. They end up in situations where they feel like they cannot rise above. You have walked those steps. You have lived that life and are a living example of what’s possible. When you talk about kind of rising up from the ashes and overcoming everything that you’ve overcome, it’s really about getting out of your own way, right?

Dawn Burnett: Yes, and that’s easier sometimes said that done, so as I said, it’s a collection of healing modalities. I did the Louise Hay Mirror Work, and it was uncomfortable at first. Looking at yourself in the mirror in a non-egotistical way being the key, because we don’t want narcissism or any of buying into our own self-pity stories of, “Oh, it was someone else’s fault, therefore I am righteous”, ’cause that is not the case. It does take two to tango. It is that mirror reflection. Just to get past that victim mentality and look in the mirror and go, “Dawn, you are beautiful. I love you today. You’re amazing with incredible skills and you have a lot to offer to the world.”

It is hard and vulnerable to even stand naked sometimes in front of that mirror when you’re first starting out. Bit by bit, it’s kind of like riding that bicycle. The first time you got on, you were so wobbly, you probably even fell off into the grass, and then more and more, you kept going at it. You were frustrated. You were like, “That’s it! I’m going to nail this.” That’s exactly what it was like. Bit by bit, I became more comfortable. I did Tap, I’ve done Reiki, juice fasting, I’ve done meditation. I have a beautiful sauna that if I space … I like to hang out in. I journal. Even to this day, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, because, man, you cannot have stinkin’ thinking and gratitude at the same time.

In doing all of those different things, bit by bit it became like that bicycle. Before you know it, you’re like a professional bike rider. You’re just out there cruising along and good speed, and now you’re on that 10 speed and you’re moving along. That’s really what life is like. It is a journey, it is not a destination, so give yourself permission to enjoy the journey, take the steps for yourself, and heal along the way because you deserve it.

Jennifer Butler: I love the way that you’re talking about the mind/body/spirit journey as one, because what I’ve come across when I have spoken to some people in our community about it is some feedback that tackling everything at once is too much. They feel like they have to choose. “Well, I’m going to work on my health now, and then my spirit’s gonna have to wait.” Or, “I’m gonna do some coaching now, but my health will have to wait.” You’re really talking about finding a way to build yourself up from the inside out with all of these aspects.

Dawn Burnett: Absolutely, and you know what? It’s going to feel like work. Kind of like when you first start working out and exercising that muscle. Like, “Oh my goodness, I have this sense of overwhelm”, but just take it one step at a time. Don’t beat yourself up. You’ve been beat up enough in your relationships along the way. The hardest forgiveness that we especially as women, not to single out men, but we as women really struggle with first forgiving ourselves. You did the best you could with what you had at the time and the frame that you were in. I know I certainly did.

I am nowhere where I was yesterday, nor will I be even a year from now where I am today in a very positive way. The biggest thing to remember is life is a classroom, so that showed up to teach you something. Everything that shows up in life is to teach us something so that we can catapult and move along further on our journey towards our purpose in life that we have been designed and created for. That’s really what it’s all about.

I mean, check this out. The stomach and the brain are made of the same tissue, so if we just work on our brain and we don’t work on our health, how is that gonna be if they’re made of the same tissue? While we’re working on eating healthy and juicing and plant-based diets and finding out your groove, less processed food, less sugar, all this stuff that slows down the engine of the body, so to speak. While we’re doing that, we’re actually boosting our brain automatically at the same time and strengthening it so that it does put us in a better, more positive position to go, “You are beautiful today”, and looking in the mirror in that non-egotistical way.

That does of course then fuel our body with more energy because let thy food be thy medicine. As we intake all of those healthy aspects, now we have the energy to go out and do yoga or move our body in whatever form makes us happy. Could be skateboarding, rollerblading. I love to ice skate. Whatever your outlet is, just get moving, but that’s hard to do all the while we’re slugging down our internal system, our brain and our guts at the same time. They do collectively go together.

Jennifer Butler: Yes, that is so true. I mean, I know that from my own life experience the way I feel when I eat healthy and the way I feel when I don’t, and the way that it really creates a fog in my brain and a sluggishness.

Dawn Burnett: Absolutely, and we always try to be the hero to everybody. I mean, we crowd ourselves into the situation in most cases because of the past experience and becoming people pleasers and not exercising our voice. Divorce doesn’t have to be bad. Divorce means letting go of what no longer serves your highest good. It could be friends. It could be a poor habit of maybe you indulge in going out too much and drinking some alcohol. It could be you smoke cigarettes. Whatever it is that you feel you need to divorce, look at it as a positive and not the negative D word, right?

Jennifer Butler: Yeah.

Dawn Burnett: A part of that is learning to say no. It’s okay to say no to others so that you can say yes to yourself, because the reality is when the rubber meets the road and the crisis in life come, there’s very few people that are truly, truly there by our side and have our back. If we don’t like the airline fake, put on our oxygen masks first, then who’s gonna do it for us? Give yourself permission to say no to others and yes to yourself.

Jennifer Butler: That definition of divorce is so powerful. Divorcing from anything that no longer serves your highest good, your highest self. I think permission, though, is huge. That just kind of keeps resonating with me is, I think you need more courage almost to give yourself the permission to succeed than you do sometimes to just kind of stay stuck where you are.

Dawn Burnett: Absolutely, and as the saying goes, it takes a lot of courage to change hearts. That first starts with your own heart.

Jennifer Butler: Yeah, it’s so powerful, and I really hope that our listeners are taking in that new definition because it’s a very freeing way to look at divorce and to start changing the narrative around the story in your head as well as the story outside of ourselves.

Dawn Burnett: Absolutely, and by doing so, the important thing to know is that you are releasing yourself from the shame cycle.

Jennifer Butler: Very powerful, and that’s a perfect place … We’re gonna take a little break right here and we will be right back with Dawn Burnett talking about getting out of your own way and creating your own destiny.

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We are back with Dawn Burnett and we’re talking about really getting out of your own way, creating your own destiny. We were just talking about this new powerful definition of divorce that is about leaving things that no longer serve your highest good and giving yourself permission to have the courage to succeed, really. What I’d love to start talking about now is something that you said in our conversation before tonight and it stuck with me. It has remained with me on a daily basis, and you said that the choices you make either feed your destiny or your history. Can you just kind of talk to us about what this means? Not only what it means for our lives if we can live into this?

Dawn Burnett: Well, absolutely, because we our healing and we are dealing and we do have a tendency, all of us from time to time including myself … I’m not immune, I’m human like everybody else. Put my pant legs on one leg at a time, I just may be a little further along in my journey than most people, but I’ve spent a lot of time working on self.

The barometer that I like to use for myself on a daily basis, because I’m a Gemini, I like to have fun. I get excited. I have a lot of projects on the go right now. I, too, have to take a step back and say, “For this new decision”, and, well, choice, I like to use the word “choice”, “That I’m being presented with”, and it could be great opportunities, “It is what I’m about to say yes to. Is that feeding my history? Is it going to breed some of the stuff of the old?” Could be spending money, creating more debt, and really, “Is it a necessity for me to do that?”

If it’s an investment into your business, okay, that could be money well spent then because it’s really feeding your destiny, but going out and buying that new pair of designer shoes when maybe you’re on a tight budget because you’re a single parent, it’s not that you don’t want to treat yourself to those things, but maybe we could find a knock-off that feels just as sexy and beautiful on our feet. We are deserving, but at the same time, we always want to check in and go, “Is this choice that I’m about to make, is it gonna set me back into victimhood and feeding my history? Or is it gonna catapult me along? Help me break down barriers? Push back fears and really unlock those doors that have been holding me back from my destiny and living the life of my dreams?”

Jennifer Butler: Do you think it helps if people create an intention so that they have sort of a North Star to lead them to a place? Do you know what I mean?

Dawn Burnett: Well, intentions are very important. I mean, that became about even in the movie The Secret that a lot of people have watched. It’s not just mindset, it’s taking action and then it’s not just mindset and taking action, it’s true believability at a core level. That means our subconscious mind. 95% if not 97% of all that we do on a daily basis stems from our subconscious mind, which is that old belief system and past experiences. Until we’re clearing out the cobwebs so to speak, that’s always going to overrule our conscious mind. It’s a collaborative effort, so you do want to set down the intention. You do want to have the vision boards. You do want to write out the journal and the roadmap, but also surrendering to outcome is key as well as feeling what that will be.

There is no time in this spiritual world. It’s only here in the physical world. We may say, “Hey, in a year’s time I want to move into that condo and have that amazing place for my kids.” That’s a great roadmap, and guess what? You may get that sooner and you may get there later, but just keep taking the steps along the way. Set the intention, but release the from the outcome because everything happens in precisely perfect timing. You have to trust the bigger plan.

Jennifer Butler: Yeah. One of my favorite things that I like to say is life is happening for me, not to me. Even if it doesn’t feel good, it’s in service of wherever I’m headed.

Dawn Burnett: Yes, and a lot of people may think and say, “Well, I’ve just been diagnosed with a severe illness. How is that really happening for me?” Well, maybe you’ve been burning the candles at both ends and this is just a timeout to recalibrate. It doesn’t mean you won’t be well. Or gosh forbid it is terminal, maybe this is the opportunity for you to say no to all those things that no longer serve your highest good so that you can spend whatever time is left in creating the memories that you want to launch into the spiritual realm with when time is up. It’s really our perceptions to what is happening to make it for us rather than against us.

Jennifer Butler: Absolutely. Something that you said earlier, just rather quickly, but you said daily work. This isn’t something you listen to on a podcast and you hear all of this and you have these aha moments, and then it just kind of is there and you’re kind of perfect at it, right? It’s daily work at all levels.

Dawn Burnett: Absolutely. In my new book, Connect: How to Love and Accept Yourself After Divorce, sold at all major outlets, in the back of the book there’s 15 easy steps to help you thrive instead of survive. You can’t just read those steps. Those are for you to embody, being the key word. Becoming those steps. Writing them out. Doing the work, and realizing you’re human. You’re gonna slip from time to time and that’s okay. It’s okay to make mistakes, but what’s not okay is to stay stuck in victimhood. We get right back on track, just like getting right on that bicycle and trying it again. It is a daily practice, even for myself as far along as I am on my journey.

Jennifer Butler: I would love to share some of these. Do you have a few of your favorite from this list? I do.

Dawn Burnett: Okay, well, number one, we’ve already talked on and that is gratitude. That was a game changer for me. I had heard that. I was like, “Yeah, sure”, but I love when I go and talk … I had talked at my university and they invited me to come talk to the students. I’ll never forget. I brought student up to the front. I had been in that classroom seat many years ago, so I know what it’s like. I’m like, “I’m not gonna embarrass you, but I just want to show you and the audience how important your thoughts are.” I muscle tested, had them close their eyes and think about the most horrific thing that’s ever happened to them. Whoop! The arm goes right down. That’s how negatively it’s affecting your body, and I said, “I want you to think of the most incredibly amazing, joyous event that’s ever happened in your life.” Muscle test, they’re as stiff and strong as a board.

That really got to them and it was like, “Yes, that’s true.” If I’m focusing on what I have and not what I don’t have, I’m gonna get more of what I’m really wanting because I’m not in that lack mentality, I’m in the abundance mentality.

What are some of your favorites?

Jennifer Butler: One of my favorites is pausing and forgiving yourself and realizing that you did the best you could with the information you had at the time. I think … It reminds me … I think it’s Maya Angelou who says, “I know better know so I do better.” I think I’m butchering the beautiful way she states that, but I think sometimes we’re really hard on ourselves because we didn’t have the skills and tools that we needed at the time. A lot of time that really goes back to what you started this all with, which was childhood. If we’re not given those skills and tools, well, we’re not gonna just kind of know them out of the blue. We have to live and learn.

Dawn Burnett: Absolutely, and you may have grown up in a household where a parent or even a teacher in the school, because it’s really our entire environment that affects us, not just our home life. Maybe they were pushing you to be a perfectionist. Maybe someone else was bullying you. Those two things compounded together you then internalize that you’re not good enough, so you push harder and you push harder and you push harder. If things are not working out, you start to beat yourself up, when really something may not be working out in your favor. Exactly like you were saying. It may not be until three years down the road that that is presented and you’re like, “Oh my gosh. I remember three years ago when I was pushing hard. Thank goodness that never transpired until today.”

Jennifer Butler: Right, absolutely. It’s like we really get what we’re ready for, and if we can trust in that, there’s I think a freedom. My other favorite is writing down your dreams, because I think people are afraid to dream, especially when they’re going through something really difficult.

Dawn Burnett: Yes, because we’re looking like they say at the whole elephant rather than, as they say, one bite at a time, and I hate using that analogy because I’m so protective of animals, right?

Jennifer Butler: Right.

Dawn Burnett: Stuff, so … Don’t look at the whole mountain, right? It’s one step and it’s like saying you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just one step at a time in faith. You can write down your dreams and that is vulnerable at first because when you first divorced, because we’re so programmed that divorce is a terrible thing when it doesn’t have to be a terrible thing, okay? It’s something that no longer served your highest good. Regardless of who was at fault is irrelevant. It no longer serves your highest good.

I just answered a call for one of the publications. I’ve had so many interviews lately, and I said, “I’ve been single and thriving for 10 years and I’m very comfortable being single.” I give myself companionship plus I’m very blessed to still have my son living in my house ’cause he’s a teenager. There really is some power and joy into not having to answer to somebody else. I could have never have gone on the red carpet with Jack Canfield and Erin Gruwell from The Freedom Writers and had my book launch party at Henri Bendel on Fifth Avenue and the afterparty at The Champagne Bar at The Plaza Hotel and headed to Spain for my 50th birthday and all these amazing things if I constantly had somebody else that I had to please in a roundabout way and answer to.

With a relationship, even when it’s a great relationship, there is a level of respect that we pay to each other for it to be a healthy relationship. To conquer and do all of those things, I had to have my own space and capability of spreading my wings wide in finding my own tribe and dive.

Jennifer Butler: That in and of itself takes courage as well. The courage to stand on your own two feet and create your own destiny irrelevant of somebody else.

Dawn Burnett: Absolutely, because life is a canvas and you’re the artist. You’re the painter. You get to choose what colors you want on it. It’s like even to this day sometimes, not so much now but like when I first had gotten divorced, it was like, “I’m all grown up.” It’s like … I’d go, “Oh my gosh, I can go to Starbucks. My happy place.” It was “I can”. It’s like suddenly your brain starts to register, “I’m a grownup. I get to choose my life. I’m not stuck. Only if I want my mind to allow me to be stuck. I’m really not stuck.”

Jennifer Butler: Yeah. For me, as you were saying that, I will never forget the moment when I realized I could make myself happy. I had this moment where I was like, “Gosh, I don’t really get to be silly anymore because … I do with my son, but that’s … My son’s young, so that’s child silly, right? I don’t get to like be silly in an adult way and laugh and have fun.” I had this aha moment like, “Why not? Why am I not doing that for myself?” Changed my life that night because I found the things that made me laugh. I started doing silly dances in the mirror. I just … Whatever would kind of bring that out myself without having to rely on somebody else to bring that out in me.

Dawn Burnett: Absolutely. Change the way that you look at things around you, and the things around you will change.

Jennifer Butler: Yeah, so powerful. There are 15 of these steps for you in Dawn’s book, and I suggest you get the book, but definitely read through the 15 because they’re very simple ways that you can show up in your life every single day that make you more conscious and more empowered and more intentional in your life, which is just powerful when you’re going through this journey.

I love this question, and I’m so excited to actually ask you because I think that when we’re in struggle, we sometimes as … We talked about this a little bit before, but we sometimes have a hard time really wrapping our heads around what could be, what is possible. From somebody who has walked your path and lived your life and done the things that you have done and I can’t even wait to see the things that you’re doing in the future, in your own words, what is possible for the people who are listening? Maybe the person who is just now taking that first step and feels like the world is just falling out from under them?

Dawn Burnett: This, too, shall pass. Life is a classroom. Know at the end of the day life is full of infinite possibilities. If you are not happy with where you’re at right now, be excited because it’s not the end. It’s just the beginning.

Jennifer Butler: Thank you for that. Our time is up. Please share with our guests how they can follow up with you after today.

Dawn Burnett: I’m all over social media. If you just Google “Dawn”, like the morning sun, “Burnett”, like Carol Burnette with no E on the end, you will find me all over the place, from LinkedIn and Twitter to Facebook. The site you can go to Connect the book, that will take you also to A New Dawn Natural Solutions or Truly just put the name “Dawn Burnett” in Google and you will find me everywhere. Thrive Global, working on this Shero project for Ariana Huffington. 32 media outlets in total. There is not a spot you won’t find.

Jennifer Butler: Well, we are truly honored, truly grateful to have had your voice here with Worthy. Thank you so much and I will look forward to having another conversation with you.

Dawn Burnett: Thank you. Take care, listeners, and know that if I can do it, so can you.

Jennifer Butler: Thanks again to Dawn Burnett for joining us today and to all of you for listening. Next week, we’ll be joined by Gabrielle Hartley, divorce coach, mediator, and author of her new book, Better Apart, where we will be chatting about the radically positive way you can separate and divorce. Make sure you subscribe so you can catch every new episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle in your feed weekly. If you like what you hear, rate and review us to help other women like you be able to find us.
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We hope you enjoyed this episode and know that this podcast is for YOU, so please let us know what you would like to hear or learn more about by emailing us at [email protected]

About Dawn Burnett:

Dawn Burnett, CSA is an honors graduate of Alternative Medicine and a Divorce Thriver. She provides Transformational Divorce and Wellness Strategies to those that are frustrated with their life and current health situations and are ready to embrace alternative solutions. Dawn is a regular fixture on the high-profile airways of national television, she takes the “dirty” out of divorce and believes we can all access a healthier, more balanced life by using natural approaches for boosting our energy, purifying our eating regimes, and recalibrating the connection between mind and body. In doing so we can unlock fears, push past barriers and live the life we’ve been dreaming of.

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