Worst Divorce Moments with Jackie Pilossoph

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Worthy Staff

By Worthy Staff | Aug 13th, 2019

What happens when worst-case-scenarios come true? Jackie Pilossoph offers real talk about some of the worst divorce moments ever, plus real-world advice about how to work your way through, perhaps even with grace and a smile on your face. 

Jackie found herself divorcing when her kids were just 3 and 5 years old. Despite multiple attempts to solve the issues that divided her and her husband, things simply didn’t work out. When even couples’ therapy failed, Jackie and her ex-husband realized that divorce was the best option. 

Nobody expects their marriage to end in divorce. For most people, it’s as traumatic and heartbreaking as it was for Jackie. As she navigated the murky waters of her divorce, she felt like she was an island as she was the only person in her circle who had faced the emotional pain of divorce. Having no one to talk to made matter worse and when it was all over, Jackie realized that she didn’t want others to experience divorce in the same lonely space she did. That’s when she decided to create her blog, Divorced Girl Smiling.

In This Episode

Jackie discusses with Jennifer the value of friendship and laughter while working one’s way through the worst moments of divorce. During the conversation, Jackie touches on some of the toughest topics and provides practical advice for surviving divorce and everything that comes after, including:

About Jackie Pilossoph

Jackie Pilossoph, founder, creator, and editor-in-chief of the blog Divorced Girl Smiling, which is dedicated to providing support, resources, and a much-needed dose of laughter to anyone separating, divorcing, or living a life after divorce. Jackie is also the author of two novels: Divorced Girl Smiling and Free Gift with Purchase. She writes a weekly dating and relationship advice column called Love Essentially.  

Worthy Staff

Worthy Staff

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