Introducing the 2023 Worthy Women’s Scholarship

A woman in a graduation cap and gown with her back to us looking forward into her future.
Worthy Staff

By Worthy Staff | Mar 22nd, 2023

Our 2022 Scholarship Applicants

2022 was our biggest year yet for scholarship applicants, with over 1600 applicants flooding in from each of the 50 states. And with 12% coming from the lone star state, the majority of our applicants call Texas home. 

In recent years, we have often seen helping professions as the most popular fields of study. This year, however, business and finance was the top field for our applicants, followed by education and nursing. We can only hope that our applicants are being inspired by the growing number of women leaders in business as they embark on their careers. 

Out of the hundreds of different colleges and universities our applicants are attending, we saw the vast majority of them choosing online options, including Capella University and Southern New Hampshire University. We are thrilled that these options exist for our applicants and students across the globe who are striving to further their education while maintaining their lives and jobs. It’s hard work and we salute you!

Last year, our applicants were given three prompts to choose from for their essays, which included: 

Our 2022 Scholarship Panelists

Last year, our scholarship panelists included:

Our 2022 Scholarship Recipients

1st Place Winner – $2,500 – Amy Henry

Amy is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in school librarianship at Longwood University.

In her essay, Amy shared her dream with us: “I have a dream to put a book into every child’s hands.  A lofty dream; ambitious, but hopeful, so hopeful.” But her dream, she wrote, is not just to get children reading, rather “I want each child to feel something, a revelation, a connection, that can only come from finally diving so deep into a book, you forget the world around you for just a while.” 

It became clear to our panelists that Amy is no ordinary school librarian – she is an educator with a vision and a passion that each student finds their own personal love of reading. She has chosen the path of a master’s in school librarianship to accomplish her goal at Longwood University, where she is currently in her final year. 

Our panelists shared that they loved Amy’s passion and vision: “The love of learning is so important, especially in today’s digital age.  This woman has such a deep passion to keep our young people engaged and enriched through books!” Her essay was inspiring and our panelists decided to award her $2,500 to use toward her education. 

2nd Place Winner – $1,500 – Amanda Sherman

Amanda is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and counseling for preschool-aged children at Capella University.

Amanda is a living embodiment of the phrase “pay it forward”. As a young woman, Amanda faced many obstacles in her home life and was lucky enough to find a supportive adult in her dance coach who became her “support system”. Amanda’s coach “went above and beyond her duties as a teacher to show me that there was someone in my corner cheering me on and believing in me.”

Today, Amanda is working toward her dream of becoming “the person I needed most when I was in high school and be that for a high school student now that is in need of that level of love.” She is currently working in academic rescue where she helps students who have dropped out of school overcome their hurdles toward graduation. She is simultaneously working toward her own academic goal of become a school counselor through her studies at Capella University. 

Our panelists were inspired by Amanda’s essay, where she “clearly articulated where is now, where she wants to go and what inspired her on her journey.” They found that Amanda had “overcome extreme hardship and has a passion to make her pain her purpose in a field where empathy and service are deeply needed” and chose to reward her with $1,500 toward her education. 

3rd Place Winner – $1,000 – Katherine White

Katherine is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and law enforcement at Southern New Hampshire University.

Katherine’s essay stuck out among the others for her creativity and curiosity. She chose to share her favorite historical figure, Leonardo DaVinci, with our panelists. Katherine shared that she has long been fascinated by DaVinci and everything he accomplished in life – both in the creative arts as well as his inventions: “He was an inventor. He was an artist. He was a student of everything, from art and architecture, religion, war, and anatomy, to nature and wildlife, to the mechanics of motion. He was a genius.” 

Our panelists were inspired by Katherine’s essay and “appreciated the writer’s depth of understanding about Leonardo De Vinci and how talented he was in so many ways.” And as Katherine shared with us, “Going to school is tough. Even more so when you haven’t done it in twenty-plus years. Not only because we’re probably working full-time and have to carefully delegate our time between multiple outlets, but some of us are also raising children or have completed that, as well.” Our panelists chose to reward Katherine with $1,000 toward her education goals.

We wish all of our applicants continued success with their education and career goals and invite everyone eligible to apply for our 2023 Worthy Women’s Scholarship. 

2023 Worthy Women’s Scholarship

For women over 30 and currently enrolled in a continuing education professional studies program, we at Worthy invite you to apply to our 2023 scholarship by submitting an essay that addresses one of the following topics: 

Our panel of judges will award the top three essays with scholarships of $2,500, $1,500, and $1,000 respectively in early 2024.

Worthy Staff

Worthy Staff

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