The World’s Largest Yellow Diamond

The World’s Largest Yellow Diamond
Worthy Staff

By Worthy Staff | May 11th, 2023

Diamonds are one of the most sought after mining products in the history of the world. When one comes up that is particularly large and of a brilliant color, you have a diamond that will be the envy of all those who collect them or love to wear them. In the category of the largest yellow diamond, one tops them all. Here we will share which is the world’s largest yellow diamond, as well as other notable yellow diamonds which are of interest.

What is the World’s Largest Yellow Diamond?

The world’s largest yellow diamond on record is an uncut light-yellow diamond found in the DeBeers mine which weighed 439.86 carats! It was later cut down, as 200 carats were removed to create a 234.65 cushion-cut fancy yellow diamond. This is the largest cut yellow diamond in the world and the seventh largest polished diamond of any color in the world.

History of the World’s Biggest Yellow Diamond

The diamond was found in the DeBeers Mine in 1888, hence the name the DeBeers Diamond. Nicolas and Deidreck DeBeer owned a farm where diamonds were discovered in the 1860’s. Following this discovery, the DeBeers Consolidated Mines were founded in 1888 which consisted of two mines. Not long after this came the 439.86 carat wonder!

The yellow diamond Patiala necklace
The Patiala necklace. Source:

This diamond was bought by the Maharaja of Patiala after which it became the centerpiece of the necklace which came to be known as the Patiala necklace in 1928. Cartier designed this necklace in his early days before becoming the big name in jewelry he is today. The Patiala necklace not only featured the DeBeers diamond but also had various other yellow diamonds ranging from 18 to 73 carats in size.

A Look at the Diamond Color Chart

The shade of a yellow diamond makes a big difference when it comes to the value. Diamonds that have a tint of yellow are fairly common and, therefore, less valuable. On the GIA diamond color chart, you have colorless at D through F and then you have diamonds with a light color at S through Z, with other grades in between.

yellow diamond color chart

As you approach Z on the diamond color chart, the value actually decreases, but when diamonds pass Z on the chart, the value begins to increase again, and they become what are known as “fancy color diamonds.” The scale starts with “fancy light” and it runs to the top position of “fancy vivid.” The DeBeers Diamond is one of these rare yellow diamonds that fits within the fancy range.

large Yellow Diamond recently auctioned at Worthy
10.01 CT Fancy Yellow Diamond recently auctioned at Worthy.

Other Notable Rare Yellow Diamonds

While the DeBeers diamond may have been the largest yellow diamond, there are several others that are of note.

The Golden Jubilee yellow diamond
The Golden Jubilee Diamond.

As you can see, the largest will not always be the most expensive yellow diamond. Different factors affect the price, and some that are particularly large, may not make the fancy color grade. For those that are interested in yellow diamonds, some of the largest and most brilliant are stones that are truly historic and they hold a special place amongst all other gems.

Back to world’s most famous diamonds

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