After 40, life changes for many of us. Along with those changes come lots of questions about everything that lies ahead. Nina Lorez Collins joins us for a frank discussion about life after 40 and so many of the things that it entails: The good, the bad, and the ugly!
Whether you’re over forty, approaching your fortieth birthday, or thinking about what lies ahead for you a few years from now, this episode is for you.
In 2015, Nina developed a closed Facebook group called “What Would Virginia Woolf Do?” It grew organically into The Woolfer, an online community for likeminded women over 40. Soon after, Nina wrote and released her book, What Would Virginia Woolf Do, and Other Questions I Ask Myself as I Attempt to Age Without Apology and started the podcast Raging Gracefully with her partner, Hillary Richard. The Woolfer and Raging Gracefully cover health, sexuality, beauty, relationships, and plenty of other hot topics.
Nina and Jennifer discuss life after 40, touching on a variety of topics including friendships, community, and relationships along the way. Key takeaways include:
Writer, entrepreneur, and founder of The Woolfer, an online platform for likeminded women over forty, Nina Lorez Collins is the author of What Would Virginia Woolf Do, and Other Questions I Ask Myself as I Attempt to Age Without Apology. Her online community grew organically out of a closed Facebook group she started called “What Would Virginia Woolf Do?”
Nina is a graduate of Barnard College. She has a Masters degree from Columbia in the field of Narrative Medicine, and she has a long professional background in book publishing, both as a literary scout and then as an agent. She has four children who are nearly grown, and she resides in Brooklyn.
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