Women are Glowing for More Reasons Than you Think

Worthy Staff

By Worthy Staff | Aug 21st, 2017

Every day women are told what to do, what to eat, what to buy, how to sleep etc., all in the interest of “being well” and better at life. A month ago, we at Worthy decided to cut through the noise and have a shame-free conversation about wellness. We wanted to celebrate what makes us really feel good, because that’s what wellness is all about, right? In celebration, we invited women from across America to share with us what makes them glow from inside out. Over a thousand women uploaded a photo to our glow gallery and got their friends to vote and help their friend win one of our feel-good prizes from Sephora, Lululemon and Brookstone.

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Let it Glow Contest Winners

The best part about this contest was seeing the sheer diversity in the representations of wellness and what makes women really glow. Whether it’s planting in the garden, kicking ass at the gym, hugging loved ones or helping others, there are many paths to wellness that can start with simply feeling good.

Sephora Winners:

1. Welcome Home!

home from afghanistan

Welcoming our daughter home after a 9 month deployment to Afghanistan.

2. Helping Other Women Feel Good!

helping women over 40 look and feel good

I love helping women over 40 find themselves again. So many women lose themselves after getting married, having kids and just not feeling that they have the time anymore for themselves. I want to inspire them that at any price you can look and feel fabulous. I want to empower them like I have been empowered by so many other women to love themselves and find themselves again, fall in love with themselves again before having that big change in their life.

3. Stopping to Smell the Flowers

stop to smell the flowers

Taking Time for me and time to relax!!

4. Kicking Ass at the Gym!

working out at the gym

When I work out I feel good!

5. Getting Your Green Thumb on in the Garden

Getting MY GREEN THUMB ON in the garden!

Getting MY GREEN THUMB ON in the garden!

Lululemon Winners

1. Feeling Good, Treating Yourself

shopping at the fleamarket

A feel good day when bargain shopping at a craft fair and picking up some great deals.

2. Glowing at the Beach!

beach time

Beach time!!

3. A Ray of Sunshine

autism awareness happiness

Happiness is achieved when you fill your life with beautiful people. My life would be dull without this ray of sunshine by my side. She shows constant perseverance and reminds me to cherish the little things in life <3 #autismawareness #lightitupblue #letitglow

Grand Prize- Brookstone Winner

hummingbird in garden

Visitor in my garden 🙂

We hope you enjoyed looking through the glow gallery winners as much as we did! All of the entries we received were fabulous and made US feel good too! Be free, be happy, be YOU. #letitglow

Worthy Staff

Worthy Staff

The Worthy Blog is a place for inspiration, insight, and advice for all things surrounding life's greatest transitions - divorce, losing a loved one, retirement, and so much more. You can find us on our blog, Instagram, and Facebook.


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