Survey Results Are In! What Women Have to Say About Dating After Divorce in 2019

What Women Have to Say About Dating After Divorce
Worthy Staff

By Worthy Staff | Mar 3rd, 2020

In February 2019, Worthy reached out to its community to understand what it means to jump back into dating in 2019. We received survey responses from 1,719 women from the U.S., including Worthy’s clients, newsletter readers and social media followers and are sharing some of our initial results.

Getting Back Out There

One of the first things Worthy wanted to learn was at what stage women begin considering dating again. The main takeaway is that by the time their divorce papers are signed, 78% of participants said they had already had dating on their minds. 65% of participants said they were dating within the first year of their divorce.

process stats

And as for the big, S-E-X question, 42% of women reported they are fine having sex early in the relationship, either on the first date or after just a few times being out together.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

But eager as they are to start dating, divorced women are still riding an emotional rollercoaster in terms of how they feel about dating. Most women feel a mix of scared (68%), insecure (64%), and overwhelmed (61%) but also excited (68%) and hopeful (68%).

Only 40% reported feeling confident, however, which is not surprising considering the emotional damage a bad marriage can have on a woman’s self-confidence.

Who Do You Talk to About Dating

best friends

When it comes to who women talk to about their romantic lives, 82% of women reported confiding in best friends. People at work came in second place (35%), meaning that women prefer to talk to people they see often over talking to family.

The First Date

For a first date, these busy divorcees prefer something quick and cheap.

Quick coffee date 30%
Dining out25%
Physical activity, like a bike ride or a hike8%
Weekend Brunch7%
Museum exhibit3%

The women are no longer interested in flashy dates, opting instead for a quick and straightforward way to get to know their dates.

Who Pays?

Old habits die hard, however equal opportunities are afforded to all:

43% of women stated they “he pays the full amount” on the first date.

58% of the women started it’s okay for the women to pay on the first date.

As our expert contributor, Dr. Kristin Davin, notes,

“This is a hotly debated and talked about situation these days. Despite the independence that women want and to be treated equally, there is something about who pays for the first date that makes this situation much more complicated. Many women feel it makes them feel special and being courted or out on an actual date.”

5 Most Annoying Things A Date Can Do

The top 5 things women hate most on a date are all focused around rude behaviour tendencies. Divorced women are looking for an honest, funny, dependable and compassionate person.

  1. Being rude to the wait staff
  2. Checking their phone constantly
  3. Talking about their ex non-stop
  4. Getting drunk
  5. Looking around the room while you’re talking

The top 5 things women hate most on a date are all focused around rude behaviour tendencies. Divorced women are looking for an honest, funny, dependable and compassionate person.

What Type of Relationship Are Divorced Women Looking For?

How Women View Their Engagement Ring

6 out of 10 women are still holding onto their engagement ring as they date after divorce.

engagement ring

45% state their ring is emotionally attached to the memories of their ex and previous marriage.

Worthy Staff

Worthy Staff

The Worthy Blog is a place for inspiration, insight, and advice for all things surrounding life's greatest transitions - divorce, losing a loved one, retirement, and so much more. You can find us on our blog, Instagram, and Facebook.


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